Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 2020: QuaRUNtine

It's a wrap, April!

Never really thought about doing some crazy stuff during the ECQ, but on the 3rd week of lockdown I got really fed up with Netflix. I tried running on our roof deck, around a really small loop measuring less than 20 meters, or about the same size as the loop you make if you run around your car. The transition was never seamless and the first run was horribly boring. Tried it again two days later and found some sort of a sweet spot. April came, and it was time to level up. After my third try I covered 10K so I thought I could do at least a half marathon easily. For added motivation, I challenged my friends to do a home quarantine ultra... Jacob accepted, Tito Bo and Kotz Ney were quiet but I knew they would do it because I saw their Strava logs doing trial runs. Rex? No brainer - he does crazy stuff all the time. Now it became a goal to at least finish an ultra at home within 12 hours.

Fast forward April 4th. Prepped up the aid station. Yes, there was an aid station complete with a cooler, bottles of coke, candies, bread, and water. Watched Unbreakable on youtube before hitting the sack to somehow boost my confidence, well I did nothing really. D-day. waited for the sun to come up so I could start and played Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack on my phone, and went off at 5:59 AM. After more than 2500 laps around that miserable concrete micro loop, I called it a day. I covered 50.62 kilometers in 10 hours. Lost some weight, gained some mana foor my mojo and of course some painful sunburns. That was probably the craziest thing I did.

Check out my 20-meter loop

Aid station

cloudless day
Accidentally saved my activity at about 15K so I had to start a new track.

I actually swore I will not visit the roof deck again for some time. But I spoke too soon. Two days later I was up there again doing crazy loops.

Logged a total of 176.03 kilometers total on my roof deck this month. Not even close to my usual
 monthly mileage. Maayo nalang kaysa mag tiktok ko. 😂

Lockdown is depressing? Au contraire! But I might need to see a shrink soon. And facebook will remind me of this pointless feat every year. 😂😂

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